Latest release: 1.6.2
Version 1.6.2
- Added support for a new BLE multimeter model (AI DVM 2130).
- Added multimeter screen, where users can view currently measured values, adjust modes, ranges and plot a graph.
- Increased accuracy for determining ON/OFF shifts for smaller cycles.
- Added network time sync for ON/OFF shift detection (works as alternative to GPS sync).
- Added new default potential type - AC.
- Fixed bug with QR code export on iOS.
- Minor layout adjustments.
Version 1.6
Added QR code label support. Users can create QR codes with test point and rectifier information and read from them.
Added "Pipeline" filter to test point list.
Added "Status" and "Marker type" filters to map.
Added support for .xlsx files to import data.
Added support for .geojson and .kmz files for map layers.
Added sorting to rectifier list.
Fixed bug with sorting list by distance - GPS timeout is increased to 10 sec to obtain current position. Correct error message is displayed in case of error.
Fixed bug when exported KML markers were missing.
Updated exported map layers styles to match the style inside the app.
Minor layout changes.
Version 1.5.1
Added new setting 'Images'. All survey images can be viewed under this setting.
Updated React Native to 0.74.3
Added support for Android API 35
Version 1.5
Added NFC capability - devices with supported NFC module can now write and read test point and rectifier data to/from NFC tags.
Fixed error, when user could not update circuit current in view screen, when voltage drop was previously recorded.
Added link to at the survey list screen
Improved performance of fetching survey files from Google Drive.
Updated hint overlay labels
Minor bug fixes and layout adjustments
Version 1.4
For fruit lovers - Corpad for iOS is now available. Shares same functionality as latest Android version.
Added new Premium subscription model - now you can subscribe to unlock some of the features of the app.
Added image support - take a photo with the phone camera or add from the gallery. You can also share survey files with included images in a single file.
Added map layer support - add geodata from .kml or .gpx files to your survey and display it on the map.
Added new test point type - measurement.
Added new test point reading - soil resistivity. Now you can perform 4-pin soil resistivity measurements inside the survey, assign calculations to gps coordinates and share inside survey file. Soil resistivity calculator will remain available as well.
Added new rectifier reading - anode bed. Now you can assign anode beds to rectifiers, indicating bed properties and current output for individual anodes.
Additional notes:
Corpad is moving towards subscription model, where some of the features are only available for paid customers. Bluetooth multimeter support is now only available for Premium users, however all the features that are available for free will remain free with subsequential updates. If you are using Corpad for work - consider subscribing, as it will boost development cycle and rollout of new features. As always feel free to reach me at, should you have questions, want to report a bug or suggest a new functionality.
Version 1.3.3
Fixed a bug when creating survey file from a template may overwrite the original file.
Version 1.3.2
Fixed a bug when app crashes when selecting multi-field option on .csv import
Fixed a bug when Bluetooth status was appearing off.
Fixed a bug when app crashes while opening external links in "About" page on some devices.
Version 1.3.1
Added multimeter support for coupons, bonds, and rectifier circuits.
Fixed bug, where survey file would appear to be corrupted after some saves.
Fixed bug, where pipeline list has invisible button.
Fixed bug where map makers would have empty description on drag.
Version 1.3
Added support for Bluetooth multimeters.
Added three modes of capturing ON/OFF cycle with Bluetooth multimeter.
Map search reworked. Now you can see all the markers with location descriptions in the list when search selected.
Export .csv reworked. Added multiple scenes to select exporting properties. Exporting headers were changed, units added to labels. Exporting logic is now more performant for large sets of data.
Fixed bug when user was unable to save survey file to Downloads folder.
GPS coordinates capture is now working via modal, where user can see current coordinates and accuracy before capturing.
Compass was moved to a separate modal. Fixed a bug when compass position was affected after locking/unlocking the phone.
Fixed bug, when importing items with <Empty> Test point type created invalid items.
Display options for rectifier list were updated. Now voltage and current displayed together, same as min and max targets.
Survey file list item now also displays file name.
React-Native updated to 0.72.1.
Minor layout changes and fixes.
Version 1.2
Import from .csv module updated:
Added support for importing full list of item properties (e.g., test leads, circuits, risers, shunts, potentials, coupons and etc.)
Import customization options added:
Merge multiple data columns.
Import data with different units.
Assign fixed property value for imported items.
Attribute mapping - map custom values from your data table to pre-defined item properties.
Added option of reversing changes to a survey after importing data.
Introducing compass widget - use mobile device positioning system to locate test points and rectifiers.
Added new screen "About" with contact info in Settings.
Added preview screen for .csv files.
Updated sorting algorithm for test points.
Added share location button after long-press on the map.
Minor layout changes.
Additional notes:
Lots of changes behind the scenes for this update. Project structure was changed, that should help with delivery of new updates and transferring to dual operating system support (Android and iOS).
Version 1.1
Corrosion calculator added - perform field calculations with your phone, save and/or export results.
Added ability to open .json survey files from outside apps. (e.g., from Files, Mail etc.).
Added screen for managing exported files (.csv, .kml). Exported files now are saved on the device until deleted manually.
Some icons were reworked. Minor layout changes.
React Native version is updated to 0.7. React version 18.1.
Fixed a bug when deleting test point caused rectifier markers to disappear from map.
Created onboarding screen featuring new updates
Time format changed to more human readable
Version 1.04
Fixed a bug when deleted items may appear in search
Fixed a bug when updating survey name cause "Time Error" to be displayed in Last synced.
Fixed a bug displaying TAP settings in rectifier list
Added conformation modal when deleting survey file
Minor performance boost and error handling improvements
Version 1.03
Fixed a bug with two app icons
Added warnings description for CSV import
Fixed bugs with overflowing elements
Fixed bug when app crashes after deleting test point reading
Version 1.01
Create, edit and view test points, rectifiers, pipelines and their reedings
Display items on the map
Save survey files to device or Google Drive
Export and import CSV to/from survey file
Sort and filter test points based on their properties
Search created items based on name
Control default names, potentials and reference cells of each survey
Display survey overview with number and status of test points, rectifiers and pipelines
And many more awesome features...